Posts tagged Miley Cyrus

The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

Yeah, I totally wasn’t going to write a post today because I’m all agitated and distracted thinking about important stuff, but I don’t want to leave you hanging without the celeb update. How would you go about your day not knowing the latest scoop?! It’s a mystery to me as well. You would have nothing to make you feel better about yourself, and consequently would go home and eat 5 Boston creme donuts in one sitting. Obesity happens because people don’t read enough trashy magazines, or celeb updates. PWHOAR! I’m the next Plato with statements like that! Anyways, bring the celebNESS on!


Miley Cyrus:  Suprisingly, no leaked photos today. Although, now that I said that, there will probably be like 10 naked pictures that will leak in an hour. But anyways, Miley makes the daily awkward update because of a particular fashion choice and pose during the 2008 Teen Choice Awards. Take a look at those atrocious overalls. Stop fooling yourself and everyone Miley. Don’t pretend to be a little innocent kid. We all know you are a skanky tween. Take pride in your sluttiness a la Lindsay Lohan. Your pose totally reveals your true self. That’s probably the stance your next MyWhore picture will be. Except lying down and in lingerie that BillyGoat bought for you.

I’m grossing myself out.


Josh Duhamel and Jerry O’Connell: Nothing like awkward straight man love. I bet they are heterosexual life mates. I can cut that tension with a butter knife!


Lil Mama: I am quickly realizing that this post is focusing completely on the Pimple Awards again. They should hand out big zits as the prize. But really, teen events just present so much awkwardness it’s unbelievable. Go check out a middle school and high school dance now. Brutal. Speaking of brutal, check out Lil Mama’s outfit for the red carpet. WTF. It looks like she is trying to channel Lil Bo Peep. I understand that they both have the Lil in common, but so does Lil Bow Wow and Lil Romeo, and you don’t see them dressing up like fairy tale characters! This is rough look. It makes me cringe and my palms sweat just to think that she thought this was a hott outfit. More likely though, she knows she is a nobody, and wore this to get on the Worst Dressed Lists just for attention. Mischa Barton went through that phase, and it got her nowhere. Hell, she’s still going through that phase.

Pink: You know what’s awkward? When couples look the same, or share the same hairdo, like Pink and her loverboy. Or ex-loverboy. They clearly go for salon dates, and style each others hair in the morning. It’s as awkward as Pete Wentz’s confession that if he is wearing cool clothes, they are probably Ashlee’s. Dude. WEAR MAN CLOTHES. No wonder he looks like a twit all the time.

And Pink darling, where did the rest of your shorts go? Short shorts are hott, but not when your ass is hanging out. Awkward turtleee. Let’s hope her lover doesn’t pull a Pete and borrow them.

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The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

Well, this weekend was definitely eventful. Nikki “Token Fat Girl” Blonsky got arrested in the Caribbean for getting all up in some people’s grillzzz and causing a smackdown. Seriously, I’m not surprised she can do some serious damage. Imagine that landing on your face. She probably did the Blonsky Style Suplex, a move made up by the sumo wrestlers thousands of years ago, but adopted and made famous by the WWE. In other news, Bernie Mac is nearly dying of pneumonia, guns were shot at some party Usher was at, and Christina Applegate has breast cancer, which is very sad, but her rep assures us she will live; he better not being lying, or he can say bye to his career and money for eternity because those Appelgates will totes sue him before he knows it.  And then of course, Brangelina’s twins made their big debut on the cover of People magazine. The Golden Children obviously caused all the turmoil in Hollywood, as I predicted. Battling of the egos. It’s sad that adults grovel to rip attention away from 3 week old blobs that can’t speak let alone stay awake for more than 10 minutes at a time. In all seriousness, I can’t believe People paid $14 million to take pictures of Vivienne and Knox, who really just look like eating, pooping, and sleeping babies. I hope karma doesn’t kick my ass for saying that.

None of that is really awkward though, so let’s shift our attention to the 2008 Teen Choice Awards. What is more awkward than a bunch of teenagers crowded in to one building? NOTHING. Well, maybe learning that you drunkenly hooked up with your cousin at a family wedding. But anyfail, the bulk of today’s material comes from this pimple-infested annual event.

Ed Westwick: I figured we should return to our favorite lilac pant wearing Gossip queen. That’s right. He’s a queen. If the lilac pants weren’t evidence enough, let’s check out his NEW pair of purple pants that he sported on the plane jetting to the coveted 2008 Pimple-Infested Awards! He went for a manlier hue this time, but let’s face it, there is no shade of purple that is manly. It’s hott when guys wear pink. It’s gay when guys wear purple. Look at Tinky Winky, that purple Teletubby. Total flamer, just like Eddiekins. Also, don’t fail to notice his manbag, and the extreme tightness of his pants. He wants to show his package off to Chace or Zac. The thing that makes this whole situation awkward though is that he refuses to come out of the closet, instead of being a proud rainbow-lover. Just to shut our mouths and convince us of his “straightness,” he shoves his tongue down some girl’s throat. He probably pays her just to play along. She doesn’t care thought because she’s probably a huge skankface who wants to brag about how she hooked up with a movie star. Ah, raging hormones at work.

Zac Efron: Speaking of closeted gay guys, Zacypoo is the next on the list. Here is evidence that Zac is NOT dating Vanessa, and wants to be wearing a pair of plum pants like Eddie. They could be twins, like when Lindsay Lohan wears a fedora like her lover Samantha Ronson. Take a look at Zac’s face in these pictures. The camera dudes and PR reps totally told them to hug to promote their movie. Vanessa is a money-grubbing naked picture-sending hoface so she sucked it up. Zac would rather puke. He probably quarantined himself after, and took a Purell shower to remove the cooties. Poor boy looks so uncomfortable. In the last one he is probably whispering for her to let go of him now, or he’ll have his gay posse of Lance Bass, Ed Westwick, and Chace Crawford attack her with fire engine red lipstick and tighty whities. Rudy Galindo will come and do a split just for dramatic effect.

Fergie: Fergie has tried her hardest to convince the world that she is beautiful through songs like fergalicious, and by working out all the time. I’ll agree that she has a good body, but that just makes her a butterface. She doesn’t look bad when  she’s by herself, but all her efforts are completely trashed when she stands next to people that are actually pretty. Like Scarlett Johanssen. Next to the beaming blonde, Fergie looks rough. Her wardrobe choice doesn’t help either. Fergie Ferg realizes that she shouldn’t be standing next to ScarScar and that’s why she looks pissed as all hell. Everyone evaluates themselves and others by comparison. Let that be a lesson Ferg.

Selena Gomez: I don’t even know where this girl came from, or what she was in, but apparently she is another Disney starlet. The next Miley Cyrus. I’m totally rooting for her though! I want to see Miley go down! There should be a WWE fight between Selena and Miley. That would be a bitch fight to watch! Whoever wins gets eternal Disney and Hollywood glory, and the loser has to be adopted by Papa Joe Simpson. But despite her potential to oust Miley from her Disney throne, Selena has a lot to learn… Take a look at this ridiculously awkward pose. See! Teens should not try to be sexy, or pull a Marilyn Monroe. It ends up a leggy disaster with people busting out the awkward turtle everywhere.

Miley Cyrus: Oh Miley. When will you learn? The baby prostitute is at it AGAIN. More pictures have leaked, and they are increasingly more scandalous than the ones before. She looks like a typical MySpace whore in these pictures. Why her dad hasn’t taken away her camera, I don’t know…Oh, wait. I remember. He is the one taking the pictures. He got some advice from Papa Joe about how to boost Miley’s career. I’m convinced Miley and BillyGoat are trying to get her kicked off Disney so she can go on to “bigger and better” things. Miley, stick with what makes you the money. You obviously are a big hit with the tweens if you can sell out whole stadiums for your teen bop concerts. She doesn’t care. She is a ho, and she can’t help it.

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The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

I anticipate that until Sunday, when the first images of Angelina’s Golden Children are revealed by People magazine, everything will be pretty tame. Then all hell will break loose. Celebs all over will be groveling for attention, but to no avail. VIvienne and Knox will outshine everyone from baby celebs to elderly celebs. Their halos will be blinding, as if you are staring in to the sweltering African sun at noon.

On a side note, when I first heard the names of The Golden Children I immediately thought to myself, “Self, Angelina totes named Vivienne, and Brad is responsible for the UBERMASCULINE name of Knox. Angieface wouldn’t think of such a testosterone laden name as Knox.” And you know what? I was right! Immediately reports came out saying that Angieface named Vivienne after her mom, and Knox is some name in Brad’s fam. ESP bitches!

Anyways, let’s get on to today’s celebrity ridicule.

Jesse McCartney: Talk about a blast from the past. This former tween flame emerged from the depths of OneHitWonderdom and graced us with his presence. He left Aaron Carter and Ryan Cabrera behind to cry with each other and braid each other’s sort-of-emo-but-mostly-pop girl hair. Jesse and his pallid skin look a little worse for the wear. OneHitWonderdom is no Wonderland. Your once plentiful and healthy bank account plummets drastically as you buy ridiculously expensive clothes, and convince yourself that you can take your 23rd vacation of the year. The coke habit also totally pulverizes what few thousand dollars you had left. Take a look at Exhibit A below. Jesse is sporting some mysterious white powder stains on his pants, which I daresay is cocaine. He obviously is trying to be with the “in” crowd by doing coke. All the cool kids do. I heard it’s really good for the body and soul. Check out Amy Winehouse if you don’t believe me.

I’ve actually heard that Jesse is a huge cokehead. A friend of a cousin of a friend (did you get that all?) apparently dated Jesse, and he was all sorts of effed up. Mostly cuz of the effects of coke on his brain. Obvi his brain is working a little slowly if he didn’t check for coke stains before he existed his limo that maxed out his Visa.


Cate Blanchett: All I really have to say is MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS! Seriously, there is nothing lamer than dressing up in a 7 year old’s Halloween costume when you are an adult, and it’s not Halloween. She really just needs some boots to complete the vibe.

Ed Westwick: Just thought I’d post a FULL length picture of Eddie’s lilac pants for you to ogle at. Fierce. Christian Soriano from Project Runway would be proud. Or revolted.

Hayden Panettiere: The OCD troll is in trubs with the po po! Evidently she thinks her boobless and whorish self is above the law because she parked in a “No Parking” zone when she went to pick up a mattress with her little bro. But the po po busted her ass and gave her a ticket! Here she is looking aghast, and probably about the rip up the ticket in a temper tantrum.

Teri Hatcher: What is in Hollywood’s water?! Do they add fertilizer and steroids to help the youngins turn in to 30-something year olds as fast as possible?! Check out Teri Hatcher’s 10 year old daughter! By the time she reaches Ali Lohan’s age of 14, she will look 39 as well! When I was 10 I had baby fat and was still wearing Limited Too, and Adidas sandals. I also brushed out my hair so it looked like a huge puff, akin to the post before entitled “Separated at Birth?” I was naive, innocent, and adorable. This kid looks like she’s in the making to become a baby prostitute! I blame Miley Cyrus! She is tainting the minds of impressionable children! Slut!

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The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

You know the drill. Without further ado, celebrity awkwardness! If I was a dumb magazine like Star or Us Weekly I would title this “THEY’RE JUST LIKE US!” Yeah, no shit! They are people too…not insanely perfect robots. Unless you are Posh.

Richard Simmons
: I don’t even know the last time I heard his name come up in the news, but I guess he was on Lettermen the other day. It was probably some special about psycho stars of the past. Well, Richiepoo wanted to make a great impression on the public, and remake a name for himself by showing up in HOTT short shorts, and some sort of red sparkly tank top. He really should just stay in his house doing aerobics by himself or with middle aged women wearing shoulder pads who are in denial that the 80s are over. Richiepoo is an awkward mess. And what’s the deal with his legs?! You think he’d have sexy, toned legs, but they are pigeon-toed, hyperextended globs. Seriously, stay inside buddy, and revel in your bygone days of iconic splendor.

Shauna Sand: Let’s get this straight: You are not a celebrity just because you were a Playboy bunny. I decided to spotlight her in this post though because it just proves a point I made in one of my first posts. Awkwardness at the beach. Here is a fat, ugly man ogling at Shauna in her itty bitty bikini and lucite heels. Classssssy! To be honest, Shauna would probably tap that anyways, but an ordinary person would be grossed out, and run away as fast as possible.

Miley Cyrus: Our favorite baby prostitute is at it again, proving to society that she is a classy, elegant and beautiful young woman with perfect etiquette. The Queen of England should take some lessons from Miley. This chick needs to learn not to take stupid ass pictures! No pun intended. Actually, it was intended. Miley: Enjoy being retarded with your friends, but don’t take pictures of your shenanigans, and if you do, LOCK them away, and don’t let them leak! She is on the road to becoming a full fledged porn star. I can see it now. Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana  in A Night in Montana filmed by the same person that made Paris Hilton’s sex tape.

Hayden Panetierre: This elf of a celebrity is OCD. Look at this awkward face after she shook hands with a fan and then DOUSED herself with Purell. She probably takes a Purell shower after hooking up with Milo. COOTIES!


Awkward Turtle Celeb Scooper signing out!

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The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

Here we go folks! I know how much you need your fix of trashy celebrity news and criticism. Behold:

Kim Kardashian: Our bootylicious friend, Kim “Golden Shower” Kardashian, is at it again. She recently attended a McDonalds event that was held to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Big Mac. She would. Look at that azzz and you can tell she’s had her share of Big Macs and Big MacDaddies, with a side of fries of course. And let me draw your attention to this g-Hetto outfit she has on. It’s like a safari guide meets a porn star. Where do you even find such a disgusting outfit? Put a shirt on! She clearly loves her tatas and believes that all her McDonalds fat munching has contributed to their plentifulness. I mean, look how pumped she is to be with that EPIC Big Mac cake! If her sister Khloe wasn’t the Incredible Hulk and demanded to eat three-quarters of the cake, then she would probably eat the whole thing! The Kardashians are the giants of the new millenium. Beware! There will probably be some weird Speilberg sci-fi thriller about them, and Tom Cruise will be the first one to get smooshed.

Nicole Richie: Aw damn. For a while she was actually dressing pretty nicely during that whole “I’m pregs and am glowing” stage. Now she is back to her atrocious wardrobe choices. Let’s take a look, shall we? As you can see, Nicole “Skeletor” Richie is wearing pants that are 5 sizes too big for her that just make her look shorter than she actually is. Where are her feet?! Show those fierce shoes that I know are hiding beneath! Come on, go to a tailor! Then we have the “I’m a tool, and wish I was a hippie” headband thingy, which is just lame. And finally, her signature BIG BUG EYE sunglasses. We barely get to see her without these insectilenses. Everything is just too big for her, making her look like an awkward mess/ a little kid dressing up in her mom’s clothes from the early 70s. Get with the times Miss. Richie.


Zac and Vanessa: All I have to say about this picture is that you KNOW he is saying “Do you think they know about me!?” And Vanessa replies with “Umm, yeah Zac. Wanna go shopping now? I think this appointment on the beach to promote the movie by seeming affectionate was over 5 minutes ago. I need to go send some more naked pictures to my real boyfriend out there.”


Miley Cyrus: Here she is at some charity event to make her seem like a wholesome person who is concerned with the world and the environment and starving children in Africa and so on, and so forth. What makes this picture awkward? HER SNAGGLE TEETH! With all this money she is getting from psyched tweens across the globe, you would think she would have enough money to get her teeth fixed! Stop trying to make the snaggle teeth your trademark. Kirsten Dunst has already tried that, and she is just slipping into B-List oblivion. SUMMARY: GET BRACES OR INVISALIGN. Maybe we should just tell her that more boys will want her if she has straight teeth, and she won’t have to take provocative pictures anymore. That might convince her.

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Le Awkward Turtle– Svenska Style

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I was in Sweden, the land of IKEA, for a week for a family reunion. I got to meet an uncle and a cousin that I had never met before, which is kind of absurd since there isn’t any family drama and my dad only has 2 siblings; it’s not like he is one of 15 or something disgustingly insane like that. But anyways, this was my first visit to Sweden, and I made sure to be VIGILANT about spotting any international-style awkwardness. Unfortunately, I did not see anyone busting out the awkward turtle, or any other amazing hand gesture, such as the awkward turkey, but there was plenty of ridiculousness to be seen. Alas, here are my observations!

Language: In English, we have a few accents to make us seem worldy, academic, and pompously intelligent, such as in resume (I know I didn’t put them on the word, but I don’t know how to type them so calm the freak down) and a la carte. In Swedish though, there are like a million more! There is the circle above the a, which is pronounced as “oh,” the two dots above the o, which is pronounced as “eu,” and my favorite, the k followed by a vowel, which is pronounced as “sh.” Needless to say, it was very confusing trying to pronounce the words on signs, or trying to spell out what you were saying, and ultimately could potentially have resulted in extremely awkward situations. For example, you are a poor, befuddled American who wants to ask for the nearest payphone, and due to our ignorance regarding the Swedish language, you could end up saying something like “My nose pickles Zac Efron gay and Miley Cyrus skankbag.” The Swede would look at you confusedly, resulting in an uncomfortable sensation that turns your cheeks bright pink, and the only reaction your primal instincts are programmed to do in such a situation is to scamper away and put your head in the dirt like an ostrich.

Guys and Girls: This is perhaps the most alarming of all observations. My highly accurate, but American-developed gaydar was completely askew and errant. Why was this!? Men in manpris, gelled hair, pants that fit too well, and expensive designer t-shirts– characteristics that I typically attribute to a gay man. BUT ALL THE MEN LOOKED LIKE THIS! Maybe all European men are gay? But that can’t be because I saw men that looked like this walking around with their girlfriends, wives, and children (not all at the same time though). And the women! You imagine a European woman as glamorous, slim, and elegant. But these women looked like they put less effort into their appearance than the men, and they exuded a lesbian vibe. A lot of them had these gross mullet-esque haircuts with the hair longer on one side and shorter on the other, making you feel like you were surrounded by human-sized rats. Narsty. All in all, I was confused, and my gaydar was malfunctioning terribly, causing me to have a hard time searching for a hott European man to run away with and live happily ever after. Maybe next time.

Outdoor Shower: I would like to preface this rant by saying that this aspect does not apply to all of Sweden, just our particular summer cottage, but it was part of my Svenska (Swedish in Swedish) experience. Anyways, so I arrive at the summer cottage, which is surrounded by trees, overgrown grass and bushes, and all I want to do is take a shower after having traveled for approximately 15 hours (6 hour plane ride to Frankfurt, 7 hour layover in Frankfurt, and 2 hour flight to Sweden). But alas, it was not to be. I had to wait 2 more days because the outdoor shower that my dad and uncles built 6 summers ago was not set up yet. Now, this shower involved heating water on a stove, and then pouring it into a trash can-like receptacle, carrying it to the outdoor shower, and sticking a tube into the water. This tube then led to the shower head, and to get water to go through it, you had to pump a pedal with your foot. So there I was, 2 days after my arrival, trying to clean myself. Soap up. Pump, pump, pump. Shampoo away. Pump, pump, pump. Conditioner it. Pump, pump, pump. Hardly a relaxing, or rejuvenating experience. Not to mention, you are trying to get clean, but these bugs would be crawling around, or mosquitos would try to bite you, and THEN you had to walk through the woods, getting scraped by branches and brambles, to get back to the house. Oh! And to top it all off, when I walked back into the house, wrapped in a little towel, with twigs and leaves in my hair, I was greeted by a bunch of distant relatives that I have never met that came to visit. AWKWARD TURTLE TIME? I think yes.

Nude Beaches: You know, EuroTrip wasn’t that off with their portrayal of these falsely glamorized beaches. Now, I didn’t go to a nudeeee beach, but I would go to the ocean that was a half of a mile away, and sit on the uncomfortable rocks with spiders, ladybugs, bees and ants there to pester me, snuggle up on my towel, and begin to read my book while simultaneously trying to work on my tanizzle. Occasionally, I would smack a bug away, or look up to admire the mysterious and beautiful ocean when PHWOAR! NAKED PERSON. Apparently, because the wind is so strong and cold, when Swedes get out of the water, they just strip down in front of everyone, and put on bathrobes. Sure they cover up, but not immediately, and those few minutes are scarring! Especially because it’s all the oldies that do this! The tweens and teens don’t do this because they’re all self-conscious, and the babies do, but that’s ok because they are little, and babies always love to run around naked. Speaking of, when they had to go pee, their parents would just take off their underwear, and the little kiddies would traipse around, and then pee wherever they were. One time, my little 3rd cousin was running around in the backyard, and then we heard her say “kissay” (phonetic spelling. who knows how that is actually spelled!) and then her mom took her underwear off and then she did a split, and just started to pee on the lawn. She also did this on a rock right by the ocean after we had spread my grandfather’s ashes. I guess that’s what we call the circle of life. Kind of….


Well, that’s about it. I could keep telling anecdotes, but this will get too long, and all you lazy butts out there won’t read the rest, if you even got to this point. Moral of these anecdotes? AWKWARDNESS IS UNIVERSAL! BAM!

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Top 5 Awkward Celebrities!

Everyone loves a little trashy celebrity gossip so in honor of this fact, I present you with the Top 5 Awkward Celebrities:

1. Michael Jackson: Doesn’t really need an explanation but here’s a quick rundown. Has been charged multiple times with pedophilia, was acquitted in spite of overwhelming evidence (owned and lived at his own damn amusement park called “Neverland Ranch”! You can’t make this stuff up.) His nose has been falling off for years, has permanent makeup tattooed on his face, evidently decided to switch races, speaks in a soft little-girl voice, once dangled his own child (whose name is BLANKET) off a hotel balcony…etc etc. You get the picture.

2. Tom Cruise: Used to be hot but couldn’t suppress the awkward. It always comes out eventually. It all started when he decided to fire his manager in 2005 and began speaking for himself in public. This is never a good idea. His derisive devotion to Scientology, his visible brainwashing of Katie Holmes, and his constant wearing of platform shoes to mask his short-guy syndrome have combined to bring Tom from hot to…friggin weird.

3. Lindsay Lohan and her family: Truly an awkward mess. It didn’t have to be this way. Lindsay showed so much promise early in her acting career with such films as “The Parent Trap.” Unfortunately, she hit her peak with 2004’s “Mean Girls,” since which she has become a tabloid staple due to the following: being a slut/alcoholic/drug addict, getting arrested, spending time in rehab (thrice times), and so on. Her family hasn’t helped matters, either. Her mother is a ridiculous ex-cokeslut who is currently whoring out Lindsay’s younger sister Ali on an E! reality show. Her father was in jail for awhile and upon being released declared himself an ordained minister, yet constantly talks smack to the press about Lindsay’s personal life and his divorce from Lindsay’s mother. Recently, a woman has come forward alleging that Michael Lohan is the real father of her now 13 year old daughter, who looks exactly like him. It never ends with these people. 

4. Jessica Simpson and her dad: Basically, Jessica might have turned out ok if it weren’t for her dad. His comment to Rolling Stone magazine a few years back, referring to Jessica’s boobs, “she’s got double D’s! You can’t cover those suckers up!” is the most awkward/gross/uncomfortable statement ever made by a father about his own daughter. Allegations that Papa Joe meddles with Jessica’s romantic relationships are unsurprising and further add the squickiness of this family.

5. Miley Cyrus and her dad: Seriously, WTF?! The girl is only 15 and she’s half-naked on the cover of Vanity Fair, looking like she just came out of a damn child brothel?! And then there’s the picture of her and her dad, with Miley laying across Billy Ray’s crotch with her shirt hiked up to her midriff, both of them looking tired yet satisfied from some forbidden father-daughter activity…it just doesn’t get much more awkward than that. GROSS.

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Result of Teenagers and their Raging Hormones


Ok all you raging hormonal teenagers, let me provide you with some incredible insight that will make you realize your ridiculous ridiculousness. A brief anecdote:

So there I was hanging out with my best friend of 13 years (oooh…creepy. bad luck! I’m going to have to carry a frigg’n rabbit’s foot or four leaf clover with me everytime I hang out with her!), and we were just sitting in her car in the parking lot of the Container store around 10:30pm chatting about nothing in particular. We were having a grand ole time addressing envelopes and folding letters (we don’t need to do exciting stuff anymore to like hanging out with each other. We surpassed that level in about the 3rd year. At this point I don’t even knock on her door when I go over. I just walk in. I’ve also been known to go over there when she isn’t even home, and instead hang out with her mom for hours at a time. I’m sure you have one of these friends. The ones where you can sit in silence with, or facebook stalk together for hours, and still be perfectly entertained and happy. If you don’t, go find a best friend or take a shower. That might help you find one.), when all of a sudden we glance across the parking lot and see a tan SUV with its lights on and parked. Upon closer inspection, we see an approximately 16 year old guy leaning into the window and talking to someone inside. All of a sudden BAM! Full on making out! This went on for a long time! Just jump in the car for goodness sake and get your freaky times on! Don’t make the other people who are sketchily hanging out in the parking lot at 11:00 at night watch you! But seriously…. this went on for way too long. It would have been cute if it was one good night kiss, but this was full on snogging, as the Brits say (no…not Britney Spears. Pantyless hoe). This was obviously the situation:

Girl: “I really have to go. Curfew was two hours ago at 9 pm because I am practically a kindergartener and shouldn’t be making out in the Container Store Parking lot.”

Guy: ” I know, honey bunches of oats with strawberries, but can’t you be a little late? I can’t imagine living a minute without your brilliant smile, that makes even the stars look dim. You are the apple of my eye, the love of my life. Do not leave me! One more kiss!”

Girl: “Awwwwww. Ok! Maybe a little longer…”

Guy: (In his head) “Sweet! That mushy bullshit actually works! I’m gonna get it onnnn.”

They start making out.

Girl:” Ok, I must go.”

Guy: “Me too. You leave first.”

Girl: “No you!”

Guy: “No you!”

Girl: “No you!”

YO! YOU ARE TOTALLY GOING TO SEE EACH OTHER TOMORROW SO CALM DOWN AND LEAVE! Anywho, this keeps going until they start making out again. This time, the door of the car is open. He gets closer and closer to getting in side the SUV, but FAIL. Doesn’t happen. They continue to display their epic and revolting love to the rest of the Container Store parking lot.

At this point, I had a strong urge to reach across the car, and honk the horn of my friends car, and scare the living beejesus out of them, and make them feel very awkward and embarassed for being such gross little baby prostitutes like Miley Cyrus. Sadly, my friend would not let me do such a heartless action, and instead she diverted my attention by telling me a story about pathological liars in Vermont (beware!). Just as her story was ending though, she shifted positions, and her knee honked the horn, resulting in the babies who were macking it stop their bizznazz, looking like deer in headlights! A minute later? They were at it again, leaving my friend feeling like the awkward one.

Summary: Raging hormonal teenagers are gross and their curfew should be at 6:30pm because their behavior in Container Store parking lots is 1. Gross to watch, 2. Makes them feel awkward when people honk their horns at them, 3. Makes the observer feel awkward when they honk their horns at them even if it is out of fun, or by accident, and 4. Results in bad decision-making. I bet that girl will be pregnant by the end of the month. I blame Jamie Lynn Spears. I’m all for love, as long as I don’t have to watch pathetically attached 16 years olds physically demonstrating it.


That’s all for now. Peace.

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