Archive for Awkward Clothing

The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

Yeah, yeah. I know what you are going to say. The daily update hasn’t been very… daily. I just haven’t been inspired by the celebs these days. I’m sick of Katie Holmes’ pegged jeans, the constant birthing of babies, and the well, decent behavior. Believe it or not, I totally miss the bygone days of “It” girl DUIs, arrests, prison sentences, Britney Spears’ breakdowns, and general ridiculousness. The “It” thing used to be to get a DUI, and now it’s to have a baby. DUIs are so much juicier and awkward. You get those awesome mug shots, reports from police, pictures of celebs crying. It makes us normal, but celeb-obsessed people feel great about our lives.

But anyways, let’s get to the daily goss.

Lindsay Lohan: You know, I’m glad she is happy, and sober, and all that feel-good schtuff, but I’m having a hard time believing she is actually dating Samantha Ronson. Lindz just loves the men too much. Remember that time she went to Italy and hooked up with 3 dudes in a 24 hour period? She is a 1st Class HoHanbag. Look at her. She made leggings with KNEEPADS. She’s trying to help out her fellow sluts! Now, she is ruining her reputation! Being with the same person for an extended period of time is unheard of! Unacceptable! And to top it all off, this subject of her attention is a girl with the fugliest vanilla/chocolate swirl dye job ever. I think HoHanbag is just experimenting, or just really connects with Samdawg. I wouldn’t be suprised if she went back to the men. She can’t stay away! It’s not in her nature! In the words of the LA sheriff, I think she has just “gone gay” for Samdawg, and probably to get constant attention.

David Cook: This supposed “heartthrob” looks like he has Down Syndrome in this picture. I have no problem with people that actually have Down Syndrome. It’s just awkward when you look like you have it when you actually don’t. Sort of like when people look pregnant, and people congratulate them on the good news, but actually it’s just a pot belly. AWKWARDDDD.

Katie Holmes: Even Suri thinks those jeans are freaking disgusting. She is trying to convince her SugaMama to stop wearing those same pair of pants everyday, and wear other articles from her ENORMOUS wardrobe. This chick has money! She doesn’t HAVE to wear the same pair of pants everyday. And what is with the fly flap always being open so the world can see that she has to button up those pants instead of zippering?! I always hated button up pants. It made going to the bathroom a lot more difficult.  I think I know what this chick’s deal is all about though. She never went through the awkward teen years, as evidenced by Dawson’s Creek. She just skipped right over it! And now she feels an awkwardness void. She feels like a brainwashed robot, and just wants to be a real person! I bet Pinocchio inspired her. Doing awkward shit, and looking awkward is mandatory in order to be considered a human. She is rebelling against Tom de Napoleon by wearing fugly 90s-inspired pegged genes, and Clark Kent glasses. The pants are a throwback to her days of unawkward teenhood, so she can try to channel awkwardness. And the glasses? Well, those are what we like to call a cry for help. Tom de FAIL didn’t let her be in The Dark Knight which was a HUGEEEE party foul, so now she is convincing the world that she should be in the next Superman movie. Hun, Superman was NEVER as cool as Batman. He doesn’t have a BatMobile. Deal-breaker.

Demi Moore: A picture sure does say 1000 words. Ashton and Cameron DIAZaster are totally doing nasty times together. Their sexual tension even permeates out of the picture and slaps the viewer in the face. Demi knows it. Look at her face. She is fighting back the tears. But don’t be fooled. Demi’s tears are not a sign of weakness. They are TEARS OF RAGE. She is plotting DIAZster’s downfall. You don’t eff with an age-defying woman. Demi and Chuck Norris should totally hook up.

Lily Allen: W T F. Why is she carrying around a toilet?! She should have hired some dude to do this! Lily will now forever be known as The Porcelain Queen. Such royalty should also start wearing a bra. So pointy right now.

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The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

Yeah, I totally wasn’t going to write a post today because I’m all agitated and distracted thinking about important stuff, but I don’t want to leave you hanging without the celeb update. How would you go about your day not knowing the latest scoop?! It’s a mystery to me as well. You would have nothing to make you feel better about yourself, and consequently would go home and eat 5 Boston creme donuts in one sitting. Obesity happens because people don’t read enough trashy magazines, or celeb updates. PWHOAR! I’m the next Plato with statements like that! Anyways, bring the celebNESS on!


Miley Cyrus:  Suprisingly, no leaked photos today. Although, now that I said that, there will probably be like 10 naked pictures that will leak in an hour. But anyways, Miley makes the daily awkward update because of a particular fashion choice and pose during the 2008 Teen Choice Awards. Take a look at those atrocious overalls. Stop fooling yourself and everyone Miley. Don’t pretend to be a little innocent kid. We all know you are a skanky tween. Take pride in your sluttiness a la Lindsay Lohan. Your pose totally reveals your true self. That’s probably the stance your next MyWhore picture will be. Except lying down and in lingerie that BillyGoat bought for you.

I’m grossing myself out.


Josh Duhamel and Jerry O’Connell: Nothing like awkward straight man love. I bet they are heterosexual life mates. I can cut that tension with a butter knife!


Lil Mama: I am quickly realizing that this post is focusing completely on the Pimple Awards again. They should hand out big zits as the prize. But really, teen events just present so much awkwardness it’s unbelievable. Go check out a middle school and high school dance now. Brutal. Speaking of brutal, check out Lil Mama’s outfit for the red carpet. WTF. It looks like she is trying to channel Lil Bo Peep. I understand that they both have the Lil in common, but so does Lil Bow Wow and Lil Romeo, and you don’t see them dressing up like fairy tale characters! This is rough look. It makes me cringe and my palms sweat just to think that she thought this was a hott outfit. More likely though, she knows she is a nobody, and wore this to get on the Worst Dressed Lists just for attention. Mischa Barton went through that phase, and it got her nowhere. Hell, she’s still going through that phase.

Pink: You know what’s awkward? When couples look the same, or share the same hairdo, like Pink and her loverboy. Or ex-loverboy. They clearly go for salon dates, and style each others hair in the morning. It’s as awkward as Pete Wentz’s confession that if he is wearing cool clothes, they are probably Ashlee’s. Dude. WEAR MAN CLOTHES. No wonder he looks like a twit all the time.

And Pink darling, where did the rest of your shorts go? Short shorts are hott, but not when your ass is hanging out. Awkward turtleee. Let’s hope her lover doesn’t pull a Pete and borrow them.

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Awkward Pic Du Jour

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The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

I anticipate that until Sunday, when the first images of Angelina’s Golden Children are revealed by People magazine, everything will be pretty tame. Then all hell will break loose. Celebs all over will be groveling for attention, but to no avail. VIvienne and Knox will outshine everyone from baby celebs to elderly celebs. Their halos will be blinding, as if you are staring in to the sweltering African sun at noon.

On a side note, when I first heard the names of The Golden Children I immediately thought to myself, “Self, Angelina totes named Vivienne, and Brad is responsible for the UBERMASCULINE name of Knox. Angieface wouldn’t think of such a testosterone laden name as Knox.” And you know what? I was right! Immediately reports came out saying that Angieface named Vivienne after her mom, and Knox is some name in Brad’s fam. ESP bitches!

Anyways, let’s get on to today’s celebrity ridicule.

Jesse McCartney: Talk about a blast from the past. This former tween flame emerged from the depths of OneHitWonderdom and graced us with his presence. He left Aaron Carter and Ryan Cabrera behind to cry with each other and braid each other’s sort-of-emo-but-mostly-pop girl hair. Jesse and his pallid skin look a little worse for the wear. OneHitWonderdom is no Wonderland. Your once plentiful and healthy bank account plummets drastically as you buy ridiculously expensive clothes, and convince yourself that you can take your 23rd vacation of the year. The coke habit also totally pulverizes what few thousand dollars you had left. Take a look at Exhibit A below. Jesse is sporting some mysterious white powder stains on his pants, which I daresay is cocaine. He obviously is trying to be with the “in” crowd by doing coke. All the cool kids do. I heard it’s really good for the body and soul. Check out Amy Winehouse if you don’t believe me.

I’ve actually heard that Jesse is a huge cokehead. A friend of a cousin of a friend (did you get that all?) apparently dated Jesse, and he was all sorts of effed up. Mostly cuz of the effects of coke on his brain. Obvi his brain is working a little slowly if he didn’t check for coke stains before he existed his limo that maxed out his Visa.


Cate Blanchett: All I really have to say is MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS! Seriously, there is nothing lamer than dressing up in a 7 year old’s Halloween costume when you are an adult, and it’s not Halloween. She really just needs some boots to complete the vibe.

Ed Westwick: Just thought I’d post a FULL length picture of Eddie’s lilac pants for you to ogle at. Fierce. Christian Soriano from Project Runway would be proud. Or revolted.

Hayden Panettiere: The OCD troll is in trubs with the po po! Evidently she thinks her boobless and whorish self is above the law because she parked in a “No Parking” zone when she went to pick up a mattress with her little bro. But the po po busted her ass and gave her a ticket! Here she is looking aghast, and probably about the rip up the ticket in a temper tantrum.

Teri Hatcher: What is in Hollywood’s water?! Do they add fertilizer and steroids to help the youngins turn in to 30-something year olds as fast as possible?! Check out Teri Hatcher’s 10 year old daughter! By the time she reaches Ali Lohan’s age of 14, she will look 39 as well! When I was 10 I had baby fat and was still wearing Limited Too, and Adidas sandals. I also brushed out my hair so it looked like a huge puff, akin to the post before entitled “Separated at Birth?” I was naive, innocent, and adorable. This kid looks like she’s in the making to become a baby prostitute! I blame Miley Cyrus! She is tainting the minds of impressionable children! Slut!

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Everyone Has a Bad Day

Check out our latest addition to the awkward turtle line of products! If you have a great idea for an awkward item, or super slogan let us know!

Awkward Turtle Tank Top. shirt
Awkward Turtle Tank Top. by geniusplan1
Create a Customized T-Shirt Using

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The Daily “OMG! Grosstastic Celebrity Awkwardness” Update

Glad to see you have tuned in again to get your necessary goss about trashy celebs. Today seems to be a pretty slow day, but I have done my best research from all the most reliable sources to provide you with the indulgent information that you so desperately need.


Rachel Bilson: Usually this used-to-be star dresses well and has that whole urban chic thing down pat, but the earthquake must have addled her brain. Rachel “I haven’t done anything since the OC” Bilson has been spotted wearing x-treme fugly factor shoes. They are WORSE than ankle booties, and I didn’t think anything could beat the elf shoes. Here’s the NARSTYMETER breakdown:

1. They are baby shizz brown.

2. They generate cankles! You know how I feel about those. *Shiver*

3. WTF

4. It looks like she is wearing some effed up cast/brace. Hypochondriac. She is just trying to get attention.

5. SHE PAIRED THEM WITH CAPRIS! Dudeeee. Bad choice. If you INSIST on wearing them, at least hide them under pants or go all the way and wear shorts or a short skirt/dress. Go big or go home.


Ali Lohan: Lindsay “I no longer love men?” Lohan’s little sister Ali almost qualifies for the sought after title of baby prostitute. For real folks. Well, we can’t quite call her a baby prostitute because she is 14 going on 39. Apparently, Ali tried out for a movie, but unbeknownst to her, the director was none other than Peter Davy whose main gig is to make pornos.

I have a VERY hard time believing DINAsaur didn’t know who this dude was. She whores out her children as it is, so this just seems the logical next step in her plan to conquer the universe and have it called WEALLLOVEDINALOHANWORLD. I think I just puked a little bit.

Mischa Barton: Speaking of other OC has-beens, Mischa Barton stole a crochet project from some old lady in a nursing home, and tried to pass it off as a bathing suit. What a bitch. And she doesn’t even pull it off. She looks like she is wearing a diaper with strings attached. No wonder her agent dumped her azzz a few days ago besides the fact that she has no talent, and will fade in to Z-list oblivion, never to surface again until a magazine does a “Where Are They Now?” special.

Ed Westwick: There is nothing more awkward than a tight pair of lilac pants on a dude. I mean, take a look at those grown men in the back giggling at our dear Eddy. He can’t help it. His brain just functions under one category: UGLY. Look at his face. Case in point!

Christina Aguilera: What has our favorite Dirrty music sensation been up to recently? Well after she popped out her kid, who we rarely see btw, she has been doing various ads, and this week she did some coked out shoot. She looks like a zombie. Or a mixture of that chick from The Hills who has ceiling eyes, and Amy Winehouse with blonde hair after being electrocuted. Now that’s terrifying.

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We are pleased to announce that we are starting a line of AWKSOME (awkward and awesome….get it?) products that you can buy to show of your love for all that is awkward. Behold! Our first item!


Awkward Turtle Hat hat
Awkward Turtle Hat by geniusplan1
Make a Custom trucker hat On zazzle

Keep a look out for more to come!

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